
Haunted Places In Goa

Goa is famous for its nightlife, beach parties, water sports, casinos and some great food. But the city has a dark side, which has been kept under wraps and for a good reason. There are churches all across Goa. And ironically, there are too many tales of ghosts and spirits associated with them. True or rumours, but the stories of paranormal activity around these places have been in the news often. So if you are on a trip to Goa, add a different sort of adventure by visiting the most haunted places in Goa. The best time to visit Goa is from mid-November to mid-February. During this time you can enjoy beach parties at night and visit haunted places in the daytime. 1. D'mello House Location: Santimol D'mello house in Santimol is one of the most haunted places in Goa. The story talks of two brothers who once lived in this house. While arguing over the ancestral property, one of them killed the other. Ever since the house is rumoured to be cursed that no family will ever...